Jenny's labor started early Thursday morning about 6am. By 9am she was having regular contractions so we called the doctor who said to come in to the office. After a short visit, the doctor said she was still at 1cm and to go home and wait for Friday when she was set to be induced.
After returning home Jenny's contractions began to get stronger and more fruequent till we met the 5-1-1 rule so we called the doc again around 4pm. They said to come in and after inspection found she was at 3-4 cms and that we would be admitted to the hospital right then.
After a couple more hours of contractions Jenny got the epidural (approx 6:30pm) which was a true blessing as she had almost no pain for the rest of her contractions. By 8:30pm the doctor said it was time to push and push she did. At 9:54pm we welcomed Henry Thomas McDannell into our family. He was born at 7lbs 14oz and 21 1/2 inches.
As I post this it is Friday morning 10am and Jenny and Henry are doing great. She is currently trying to get Henry to breast feed and rest while she can.
Thank you to all of our friends and family that have contacted us over the last couple days, your compasion means the world to us. It is such a great feeling that you all were thinking about us.
We are currently scheduled to check out and return home on Saturday, more to follow in the
coming days!
See a few pix further down.