A year and a half after moving in, we finally finished (well almost) Henry's playroom. It took us awhile to pick our theme. We were going back and forth on a few different ones and then I saw one of our options at a friend's house and loved it. So from there, we were pretty much copy cats (best form of flattery, right?). We ordered the decals, a few months went by, bought the paint, painting took a few weeks, had to wait another month according to the decal manufacturer, and then FINALLY, the decals went up. In the meantime, Todd was working on the design and construction of the custom toy chest with a compartment for our TV equipment. Being a big fan of "While You Were Out", I was so excited to finally show Henry is new room. I brought him downstairs, turned him around, opened the doors, he turned around and...he just walked in. No screams of excitement or tears of joy. I guess walking in and playing is what I should have expected. Oh well, hopefully over the next several years he'll enjoy playtime with his sea creatures. We are hoping to at least get 8 years out of this room considering I also painted the ceiling blue! On second thought, under the sea stickers are cool for teenagers, too, or so we'll brainwash Henry into thinking.

Henry's first look at his new playroom

He did like checking out the treasure chest
Reading Corner
Check It Out

Noticing his new friends