The snow is still falling as we warm up by the fire after a family play time outside. It was Henry's first time really playing in the snow. We were going to wait until after the snow stopped, but my parents motivated us to get him outside since the snow isn't suppose to stop until tomorrow. Henry liked checking out the falling snow from inside, but we weren't sure how he was going to react to being in the snow and more importantly being in the cold and windy weather...

We quickly realized he was not fan of getting ready for the snow.

The Before Shot

The Action Shot
Doesn't look like he is having too much fun, but after going down the hill, he signed "more"

The After Shot
Henry's cute little cheeks quickly turned red so we didn't last too long outside, but it was a lot of fun and I think he liked Todd pulling him around on the sled. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa McDannell for Henry's snazzy snowsuit.
Does that snowsuit come in my size? It is awesome.
Awww....Henry is sooo adorable! Hope you guys had a merry christmas and happy new year!
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