Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday Bash #2

September 4th Henry turned three. I'm not sure how that happened. Just the other day he was learning to crawl and using baby sign language to communicate. Before having kids I would hear parents talk about how time flies and how their kids are growing up before they eyes. I didn't truly understand this until a few weeks ago. It really blows my mind that my baby isn't a baby at all anymore. I'm absolutely having a blast right now watching Henry's personality really come out. I just wish we could slow down time a little.

Henry is a very sweet three year old. Occasionally he needs a time out here and there, but for the most part is really well behaved. He LOVES books and to be read to before "quiet" time and bedtime. Henry can play independently especially when cars or Buzz Lightyear are involved. I love watching him play and hear what his imagination comes up with next. Each day he is more loving toward his little bro. Watching that relationship grow is such a thrill.

Here are some pictures from Henry's birthday. We had "Pizza Planet" cater lunch and I made my mom's famous mint ice cream cake (Henry's choice, of course). He partied so hard all weekend that on our way over to my parent's house for dinner, he fell asleep and was out for the rest of the night. Poor guy didn't even eat dinner on his birthday, but I think he still had a good day and felt special so my mission was accomplished!

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