Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had a blast celebrating Christmas with friends and family both in Virginia and Pennsylvania over the past week and a half. Henry was completely spoiled by his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and Santa this year. Over the past month or so his only request from Santa were stilts and an umbrella. Both typical of toddlers, right? Well, lucky for Henry, he has been a very good boy this year and his Christmas wishes were granted....

Here is a video of Henry getting his last Christmas present. The video is a little long, but thought it was a good one to post anyway.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Big Boy Bed

It's hard to believe that my baby is really turning into a big boy right before my eyes. One major step past babyhood is moving into a big boy bed and saying good bye to the cozy crib. We are right in the middle of this transition. Henry helped Todd paint his new room (Baby McDannell will be moving into Henry's old room in April). After painting, we set up his bed and then he immediately asked to start reading books in his room. So before and after waking in the morning and for nap, we curl up together on his bed and read through his books. Naturally, his next request was to actually sleep in his new bed. I was thinking we'd wait a little longer for that big step, but Henry had other ideas (toddler with opinions....who knew!). Yesterday I took the plunge and let Henry nap in his new room for the first time. Since our baby gates aren't up, yet, I stood guard upstairs while I waited, and waited, waited for Henry to finally fall asleep. After over two hours, I almost gave up, but he did finally take a nap. Unfortunately, our intense guard dog sensed danger (probably a squirrel running across the yard) and began barking which woke up my slumbering child a little too early. Nonetheless, Henry successfully slept in his big boy bed. I'm happy to report that Henry is currently sleeping soundly upstairs for the second day in a row and this time around it took him less than an hour to fall asleep. I spoke with Riley about no barking during nap time and after I handed him a bone, he seemed to understand my request.

Once we install blackout curtains (this room gets lots of light) and the baby gate at the top of the steps, Henry will be officially moved into his big boy room. I think knowing a little one is on the way, is making this transition a little easier on me! Henry sure is ready for the move. Todd and I caught Henry in the act of trying to escape out of his crib this morning. I guess he is trying to tell us something!