Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter 2011

So far Logan and I have left the house twice. Once for his first doctor's visit. At the visit we were thrilled to find out he has already passed his birth weight and I was even more thrilled to hear I didn't have to wake him at night to feed him anymore. Although he is waking up about every three to four hours on his own. I love the newborn snuggles, but not the newborn feeding schedule :)

The second time we left the house was to spend Easter day at my parents. It was a beautiful day and if felt great to enjoy the fresh air and the wonderful meal was a big bonus, too. Before heading over to my parent's house, Henry followed a trail of hershey kisses. He was giggling as he picked up each clue, but when he got to the end of the trail that ended in front of a closet door, he was very afraid to open the door. He thought he would find the actual Easter Bunny hiding in the closet. Eventually I had to pick inside to assure him there wasn't a bunny, but instead a basket just for him.

Here are some pictures of our first holiday as an expanded family.

Henry and Logan

A lot of people have asked us if we think Logan looks like Henry did when he was born....

We'll let you decide...


Henry getting ready to go home

Logan getting ready to go home

Logan Todd

On April 13th we welcomed our newest member of the family into the world. Logan Todd arrived three days past my due date at 1:13 in the afternoon weighing in at 8 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/2 in. Now each April 13th we will be celebrating both Logan's and my brother's birthdays. After waiting for him to arrived which seemed like forever, it was so amazing to finally meet him. Those first moments of his life are just too surreal to put into words. This time around we were more in the moment which meant less pictures, but I think we still were able to capture the magical time with some photos.

During the first week home we were so fortunate to have a ton of help from our family. Todd's parents were with us for our first weekend home and completely took care of us. I felt so spoiled to be able to solely take care of myself and little Logan. Also, it was so wonderful for Logan to meet his cousin and aunts and uncle. I'm finally able to write this post thanks to my parents who are watching Henry for me today. He has been so wonderful while we all adjust to life with a newborn. I'm pretty sure he was thrilled to get out of the house and spend time with Nonna and Pop without a screaming baby.

Here are some of the pictures from our first days with our expanded family.