Monday, October 24, 2011


Logan turned six months on October 13th and we had his doctor's appointment a few days later. I had a sneaky suspicion that he was going to measure on the large size since he is currently wearing 12 and 18 months clothes. The kid did not disappoint! Check out his numbers...

Head- 18 1/2 inches (off the charts)
Length - 29 1/2 inches (off the charts)
Weight - 20 lbs 4 oz (90%...slacker!)

With working at the Y, subbing more, and keeping up with the boys, the days are going by so quickly. I've been wanting to write Logan's six month update for two weeks and finally I decided to let the clothes stay unfolded for another day so I can write about life with our sweet baby boy.

After only six months, it's already hard to imagine a time without Logan. This guy is not only big in size, but also in personality. All you have to do is look at him and you will see his big round cheeks turn upwards as he flashes his great big smile. Here are some of his current favorites: eating in his high chair (not a fan of peas though), reaching for toys, rolling over and over to get to something fun to explore, drinking milk, being tickled, and watching his big brother play.

There are so many amazing things about having two kids. I absolutely love watching then interact with each other. Henry gets so excited when he makes Logan smile. And I can already tell that Logan thinks Henry is he coolest thing on earth. But the one thing I didn't anticipate about being a mom of two is one feeling in particular...GUILT. I don't think I really knew what the word meant until just recently. I've always been very good at time management, but now I struggle with balancing my time between the two and giving Logan the same opportunities I was able to give Henry, which I know is somewhat impossible now. Working part time is great for the extra cash, but not so much for my feelings of guilt. To feel better, I remind myself that Logan is lucky he will always have his big brother around to play with and learn from.

Logan has grown so much (developmentally and in size!) over these last six months. I'm excited to see what these next six months bring and I'm hopeful they won't go by as quickly as the first six!

(sorry no picture tonight. I'm writing this on the iPad and I'm not sure how to post one from here and I think I've exceeded my "free time" so I'll figure that out another day).

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