Monday, December 1, 2008

Henry's First Thanksgiving

Thanks to all the family that helped Henry to have a fantastic first Thanksgiving.  We stayed here in PA for the holiday weekend and my parents came up so we had all four grandparents together for Henrys first turkey day.  Henry also got to see his great uncle Al (all the way from Ohio) and his great grandma Carmela.  At one point we measured him next to the turkey but the turkey edged him out by about 5 or 6 pounds.

Henry is tracking movement really well now and seems to really enjoy when we read to him.  While watching football Sunday he had his first official laugh/giggle.  He was trying to convince me to turn him around and let him watch the Redskins game but I told him, "trust me, you don't want to seem them playing like this."  Henry has his 3 month pictures this Thursday so more to follow shortly.

1 comment:

The Chamorros said...

great pictures!! glad you gys had such a great holiday and got to see the whole fam!