Thursday, December 25, 2008

Henry's First Christmas

What an amazing Christmas season.  We traveled down to NOVA to celebrate Christmas with my family on December 20-24.  His grandparents spoiled him rotten.  He got many clothes, toys and even a new car!  Granted it is a plush toy car but they are setting a precedent that will be hard for the us to follow.  Thanks again Mom and Dad, we enjoyed getting to spend Henry's first Christmas with you both.

Christmas Eve we traveled back to PA to celebrate with the Lemker's.  Henry was again spoiled this time getting more clothes, toys and a nice (and I'm sure very loud) leap frog learning music station where he can play instruments and learn both English and Spanish.  Henry even got a book, bib and shark all they way from Sydney Australia courtesy of his future god parents Mike and Jeannine.  Thank you to all of the Lemker family for your generosity.  I know Henry will enjoy all of his gifts and they will make us think of each of you.


leslie said...

this is the cutest thing ever!! happy new year!

leslie said...

i posted the video on my facebook and everyone loves it!