Monday, January 5, 2009

Henry is 4 months old!

For Henry's four month birthday we decided to go all out and buy him his very own bookcase! How exciting, huh? Todd and I have decided to turn our study into a playroom for all of Henry's fun new toys he got for Christmas. Henry might not be too thrilled with his present, but his mom and dad are excited to attempt to organize his goodies.
Henry's next doctor's appointment is on the 12th. We are anxious to see if our baby boy is as big as we think he is!

My boys (aka Henry and Riley) and I are missing the third male of the house today. After being off nearly 2 1/2 weeks, Todd is back to work. I'm off to play and then win the lottery so the four of us can go back to hanging out all day together.


Christine said...

Jenny, excited to organize??? that sounds nothing like her...

Laura C said...

yay! 1/3 of a year old! can't wait to meet him soon!